Our Bible School (Summit International School of Ministry) is excited to invite you to join us for annual Revival Services, happening February 22-24 both online and in-person on Summit’s campus. Revival Services are a cornerstone event for Summit’s students and community, and we are excited to spend time in the Word and the presence of God during this special time together. The service schedule will be:
- Feb 22nd at 7PM (stream here at tsc.nyc)
- Feb 23rd at 10AM & 7PM (stream on Summit’s YouTube Channel)
- Feb 24th at 10AM & 7PM (stream on Summit’s YouTube Channel)
This year we are joined by our General Overseer Carter Conlon, our own Senior Pastor Tim Dilena, and Pastor Jay Fallon, Pastor of Acorn Community Church and the former Director of Teen Challenge UK. We look forward to hearing what God has placed on their hearts to share with us this season. You can find out more right here.