Ukraine Relief Efforts

Ukraine Relief Efforts
Ukraine Relief Efforts

As we pray and believe for a miracle to end this war, we continue to support our partners who are actively serving each day. One particular partner is Pastor Sasha, who resides and pastors in Wolyn, a city in western Ukraine that has become a refuge for those fleeing the country.

He has mobilized his church and friends to host over 200 people daily. With the funds we provided, they’ve turned the church into a safe haven, providing shelter, meals, and rest for those journeying out of Ukraine into neighboring countries— leaving everything behind with uncertainty about returning.

Pastor Sasha also oversees an orphanage that has tripled in the number of children that need food, beds, and care. We’re grateful for individuals like him who fearlessly embrace these needs.

Thanks to your support, TSC Missions is dedicated to helping Ukrainians and people around the world, just as the Lord commanded.

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