As my connect group was about to sign off from our Zoom call, the call cut out. I didn’t want to be rude, so I quickly signed back in, just in case any of the ladies rejoined. One other lady named Janic did, and to my surprise, another woman from our group who had not attended the meeting that day also joined.
Although our meeting was over, I asked the lady who was unable to attend earlier how she was doing. She began sharing what she was going through. As she spoke, the Lord revealed to me how discouraged, burdened, and bound up she was, and that the enemy was trying to keep her there. As Janic and I began to pray for her, the presence of God came among us so strongly that it led us into a deep time of prayer, intercession, and praise! God broke the heaviness that was over her, and we all left the call feeling encouraged and strengthened. It was such a privilege to pray for our sister and see God move.
Our God is so awesome! What was originally a technical issue became a divine appointment to uplift and encourage a beautiful sister in the faith. He never fails to amaze me, and His faithfulness abounds to those who love and serve Him.