How to Prepare for Your Wedding at TSC
Marriage is God-ordained.
“The creator made them male and female, and said, for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh ” (Matthew 19:4-5).
“Marriage is to be an exclusive relationship, a lifelong faithful union between a man and a woman. This relationship between a husband and wife should parallel the relationship between Christ and the Church” (Ephesians 5:23-30)
How to apply for pre-marital classes
- Both individuals getting married must fill out separate counseling applications
- Apply Online
How pre-marital classes are conducted
- Applicants, if accepted, will be required to sign the Times Square Church Statement of Faith affirming their agreement with the Biblical definition of marriage as between one man and one woman as a life-long commitment.
- Pre-marital preparation is conducted in quarterly group classes for six (6) sessions. A private, one-to-one meeting with a counseling couple is held near the end of the class to discuss any personal matters a couple would prefer not to discuss in the group class.
- Currently, the quarterly class dates and times may be obtained by calling the church offices and speaking to the Counseling Team Administrative Assistant.
- We ask that pre-marital class participants allow themselves plenty of time to complete all their preparation classes before setting a wedding date. We suggest allowing at least six (6) months for the preparation classes and wedding planning. Most times, we cannot accommodate wedding dates and planning made prior to attending the preparation class.
- After four (4) class sessions, biblical readiness to marry will be discussed. If the TSC Counseling Team recognizes serious reasons that your marriage should not proceed, we reserve the right to decline approval to marry at Times Square Church. We desire to be faithful stewards of the gospel, and our hope is that, should you marry, you will enter into a marriage which glorifies God.
- If the couple is approved to marry at Times Square Church, a wedding approval email may be submitted on the couple’s behalf to start the planning process with the TSC Wedding Planner.